About Us

Unlock your future goals with us
Welcome to Edu Free Academy! We're committed to offering free, high-quality education globally. Join us in the pursuit of lifelong learning and unlock endless opportunities through our accessible platform.
Fathima Zahra Nisfer
Chief Executive Officer

For the last three years we have been continuously providing free education to many students across the country. We are also providing relief to them through education-related livelihood schemes. Many people across the country are reaching out for help with various needs. In fact education is the basic need of a human being and our need is to provide educational livelihood and thereby change the poor condition of their families. Many people are giving relief items and financial assistance to the poor people but the reality is that the assistance is provided all on the other hand are deprived for their children's education expenses so we are providing their basic education free of charge.Currently 42,000 students are benefiting from our free education institute.In future our goal is to unite all the needy and provide free education to them too.

Edu Free Academy

Let Numbers Talk

0 K+
0 +
Students Money Saved
0 K+

Our Vision

‘‘ Free Education on Everyone Hand ’’

Free education signifies the liberation of knowledge from financial constraints, promoting equal opportunities for all. This concept envisions a society where learning is not a privilege but a fundamental right, ensuring that individuals, regardless of economic status, can access education and cultivate their potential for personal and societal advancement.

Our Mission

‘‘ Let’s Change Lives Through Education ’’

Empowering lives through education is a transformative mission that envisions profound positive change. By providing accessible and quality learning opportunities, individuals can enhance their skills, broaden their perspectives, and contribute meaningfully to society. This commitment reflects a shared endeavor to create a world where education serves as a catalyst for personal and collective advancement.

Fathima Zahra Nisfer

Chief Executive Officer

Meet Out Valuable Director Board

Welcome to our dedicated team of experts who make learning an enriching experience. Meet the brilliant minds behind our study platform, each contributing their unique skills and passion for education. From seasoned educators to tech wizards, our team is committed to providing you with a seamless and empowering learning journey. Explore the profiles below to get to know the faces behind the knowledge, innovation, and support that drive our platform forward.

I. M. Roshan

Managing Director

Mithusha Pushparajah

General Manager



Reeshman Siyath


M.M.F. Rusna

Assistant Manger

J. Zeenath Zimra


J.S. Letishiya Ruth

Media Secretary
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